
Journal Entree for class:

Legally obtain a condom and write about that experience.

Oh how I love this assignment. I just don’t understand why at 24 years old it should be an experience to go legally buy condoms.  This should especially not be a big deal if the person is having sex or is sexually experienced.  But then again that’s in my ideal world called REL WORLD.  Of course in America it’s a big deal because that means YOU ARE HAVING SEX!!! Oh no SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

NO time for embarressment!!!

I mean come on now… if you are too embarrassed to buy the condom maybe you shouldn’t be having sex.  How about a new motto…. No Buyie NO Sexie.  Ha… I got that from a Lil’ Kim song where she says, “no licky no sticky”.  Ingenious I tell you!!!  Way to be pro-women rights… I’m being serious.  Think about it ladies, when’s the last time a guy went down on you to get you ready and when’s the last time you went down on him before sex.  ANYWHO that’s for another time and another place.

But this whole idea of being too scared to go to the store to buy condoms is crazy.  It just shows you how immature we are as a society.  Yet at the same time trying hard we are about to engage in a sexual experience that is amazing, but has consequences that takes maturity to deal with.  Oh how I wish that was true.   Its just condoms, it is your protection.  If you are too scared to buy them then what else are you too scared to do?  Tell your partner what feels good?!  Tell your partner no?!  Tell your partner your feelings?!  Buying the condom should be the first self-confidence booster before sex… because you are in control and you are being safe!!  If that’s not how you feel then maybe you should rethink your actions.  I am pretty sure that getting preggers or getting an STI is harder to explain then buying condoms.

Go into that store, with your head up high and take those condoms.  You should be proud that you are protecting yourself!!!! Also… take time and look at what all the different kinds of condoms there are.  Don’t forget that at sex shops there are many more condoms (in my opinion better ones… like Kimono or Crown).  Also there are different textured condoms and of course lube.

Buying condoms is amazing and don’t let anyone make you think otherwise!!! Its sexy to be in control and safe!

~penetration of the mind~


et cetera