
{June 28, 2010}   Marrying Young

As I lay in bed reading my book Sexuality in World History, which by the way is an amazing read, it hits me: societies that marry girls young were smart.  I am talking about in the Classical periods of China, Greece, Rome, and India.  I know what you are probably thinking, how anti-feminism of me to believe that marrying girls at the ripe age of 11-16 is right.  Well first of all, girls at that age were just hitting puberty, which means?!

They are fertile. These girls’ bodies were telling them to engage in sex to have babies, same as today’s girls!  Therefore, before the girls become “sluts,” they were married off so they can just sleep with one man and the risk of premarital sex is eliminated.

I think it is a great idea.  Our hormones are telling us to procreate, so instead of fucking every guy we like, think we like or think we have to, girls are married off and can fuck as much as they want with their husbands.  Perhaps, this also stops women from experiencing different kinds of sex and then comparing.

This system cannot work in today’s society but think about it for a minute.  The concept could possibly reduce sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies and of course keep virginity sacred for marriage.

Is this insane for today’s world?!  YES, MOST DEFINITELY!  I have no doubt about that, especially with our free world, democratic system and feminists.

I just wanted to put the idea out there.  I mean it worked for a very long time.  This way of taking our time and having sex with other people before marriage is relatively new.  I am not sure on the number of years our new way has been occurring, but it is very short compared to the tradition of marrying right at puberty.  Only time will tell how this new tradition will work.  However, I am pretty sure the divorce rate between 1000 BCE and 500 CE was nowhere near the 41% (plus or minus) rate of 2009.

Just for clarification I am not okay with marrying girls off at a young age, well not in today’s day and age.  I am happy with my sex life and grateful for not being married at the age of13.  This is all just…

~penetration of the mind~

When's the right time to get married?

When I first had sex, I knew that it wasn’t the best it’s going to get.  However, I did know that I enjoyed sex and I wanted more.  As I became more experienced, I became aware of how, what, where and when I like to get it on realized that each person is different.  So how can someone ask me, “Was he good”, “How was it”, or “Was the sex good”?  How am I supposed to rank the quality of the sex?  Do I judge it by if I orgasm or if I just enjoy it?  How about how many times he cums?  Or maybe how wet I am?

My friends ask me all the time how the sex was, and I look at them and think about it.  I mean, I have had boring, unexcited, never going to see him again but I did orgasm sex.  And I have also had passionate, intense, 2 hour rough riding, so wet, but no orgasm sex.  So which one is better?  Yes, I greatly enjoy having an orgasm; however sometimes it’s just not going to happen.  No matter how amazing he strokes or licks or amazing he feels inside of me, I will not orgasm.

As I tell my friends this, they look at me and say “no way, if the sex was that good, WHY DIDN’T YOU ORGASM?”  I don’t have an answer for them, me or you.

All I know is that the purpose of sex is not to orgasm.  I am most definitetly not your lovey-dovey type, but I still know that when I get into bed with a guy I am engaging in the most intimate practice among any creature.  Therefore, you and I have to enjoy every part of the act of sex.  That means how your partner looks, smells, touches, kisses, feels, and tastes.

As long as I am enjoying IT ALL, I know its good sex.  An orgasm comes from how I move, therefore it is not difficult to just get on top and give myself an orgasm.   The difficult part is to have it all to the point that you don’t need that orgasm to categorize the sex as good.

In my opinion, don’t judge the sex on if you orgasm and don’t try to make the goal to have an orgasm.  I think you will really enjoy your partner and the sex much better.  Believe me… the orgasm will come and if not just finish it off your self…. He or she will most definitely enjoy watching and he’ll be glad you got yours in the end.  Plus he or she will probably be ready for the next around ASAP.

{June 11, 2010}   The ITCH!

You just can’t help it.  Your vagina is itching like crazy so you scratch!  You feel like you’re going insane!!!  Just breathe… most likely you’ve encountered a yeast infection.  According to the formal explanation of yeast infection is an “overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans” in the vagina.  Every woman has some yeast in the vagina.  The purpose is to keep the chemical balance in the body, however when too much alcohol is produced yeast is increased, which causes the itch.

Many things can cause an increase of yeast to be produced such as being on certain medicines, sex, stress, being on your period, lack of sleep, being sick, eating poorly, or hormonal changes.  You just need to listen to your body and take care of it.  Signs of yeast infections are burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and the vulva, pain when peeing, pain during sex, or soreness, a thick, white vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese and does not have a bad smell or a rash on the vagina.  You might have one of the signs, a few, or all.  However, if you are feeling, seeing or smelling something that is not listed, go to the doctor. Its always better to be safer then sorry.

But right now, lets assume it’s a yeast infection and the itch is taking over.  Try your hardest to refrain from scratching.  If you are on your period, stop using tampons for the time being.   Letting your vagina breathe will help greatly. Now a-days there are over the counter vaginal inserts that treat yeast infections including creams to calm the itch.  Or you can go to your doctor and get a prescription.

Now you are happy because the itch is gone and the yeast infection is cured.  But let me give you some hints on how to prevent future yeast infections…

  • avoid douches
  • avoid scented hygiene products like bubble bath, sprays, pads, and tampons
  • change tampons and pads often during your period
  • avoid tight underwear or clothes made of synthetic fibers
  • wear cotton underwear and pantyhose with a cotton crotch
  • change out of wet swimsuits and exercise clothes as soon as you can
  • avoid hot tubs and very hot baths

Yeast infections are not fun.  But it is most defiantly not the end of the world.  Now you know what to look for, how to help yourself, and how to prevent it from happening.  Like I said before, listen to your body.  It is the only one you have, take care of it and it will take care of you!

{June 2, 2010}   What is Sex?

Lately I have been asking myself the same question, why are people so ashamed to talk about sex.  Sex is one of the few things that we as humans and animals have done for years, and I mean millions of years.  How else have we lived this long?  Why has our society created this shameful cloud over sex if it obviously is the reason for sustained human existence?

Let us first define what sex is.  There are three forms of sex: vaginal, anal and oral.  Vaginal sex is the most traditional: penis into vagina. The other two, oral and anal, are not traditionally seen as a form of sex, but they really are.  Anal is when the penis enters the anus.  Oral sex is when a genital, penis or vagina, enters the mouth. Oral and anal are a type of sex, hence anal SEX and oral SEX.  Just because there is no penis – vagina penetration does not exclude it from the group of sex.

One specific reason for understanding the 3 types of sex is because you can contract sexual transmitted infections from all 3 types.  This means you must always be safe and ask your partner if he or she has been tested recently and use protection if not in a monogamous relationship.  I won’t preach about safety yet, but always be safe and have fun.

So now that we understand what sex is, why is sex so taboo?  To be honest, its how our country was created.  United States is and was based on the church.  Which means any kind of sexuality is seen as evil unless done in holy matrimony between man and woman to have babies. Our history has created our views on sex and our lack of true conversation about it.

Example: Graham Crackers were originally made to suppress the urge of any sexual appetite.  The reasoning behind it was that bland food would not make people horny… ummmm yea okay Presbyterian minister Rev. Sylvester Graham, if you say so.

And today, we still can’t talk about sex even though it’s all over TV shows, movies, news and music.   Therefore, to make sex a healthy subject in our life, we must start talking about it.  I know my friends and I talk about masturbation, sex, being horny or new experiences all the time.  The conversation has made us more open and understanding about sex.  I am pretty sure we are more satisfied and confident in our sexuality because we know it is not a taboo subject.  Its time to change history of the word and topic of sex and sexuality… so start talking and ask questions!!

et cetera